Digital Transformation requires flexible IT
Last week our article about the Digital Revolution and Agle 5+1 was published in the Dutch magazine 'Information'. Herewith the link to the electronic version of the article.
Blog articles are available in English only.
Last week our article about the Digital Revolution and Agle 5+1 was published in the Dutch magazine 'Information'. Herewith the link to the electronic version of the article.
Almost daily I receive questions about The Responsive Enterprises, such as Google. My latest blog links to more information the topic.
Many people ask me whether they can get an online copy of my doctorate thesis. The thesis is available via the press article about my defense at the Vrije Universiteit. You can also directly download the individual articles at the VU-DARE library.
Last week our article about the five Agile organizational change themes was published in the Dutch IT Management magazine (TITM). A must read for each executive accountable for successful Agile at scale in his or her enterprise. Herewith the link to the electronic version of the article.
The Agile Consortium is the Agile knowledge platform for organizations and professionals, with international linkages such as England and Switzerland. On the event of 25 of March I joined the Agile consortium for a talk about scaled Agile, presenting two practical examples of applying Agility at scale. Many thanks to the Agile consortium and the Belastingdienst for hosting the event and for inviting me as key-note speaker.
Achieving large scale Agility is perceived difficult by many organizations. Agility gets impeded when Agile teams needs to collaborate. As strategic As Agile consultant I regularly receive the question what needs to be done to achieve Agility at scale. The new scientific Agile 5+1 method guides the road to large scale Agility.
Sometime ago I watched a movie about Agile programming for families at That talk inspired me. Since we embrace new ideas as family, we decided to introduce a Kanban in our kitchen. The Kanban definately helped us getting closer as a family.
We recently performed an experiment at a large multinational bank to reduce the delivery time of new features that are delivered by a set of codependent Scrum teams that supports. We achieved the reduction from 29 to 10 days by deploying a set of carefully designed improvement actions in the value chain.
In 2013 we performed an experiment at a large multinational institute to reduce the feature delivery time of a set of codependent Agile teams. We achieved a significant reduction by deploying five carefully designed improvements. With the improvements we reduced the feature delivery time from 29 days to 10 days.
Do you want to know how to solve collaboration issues between Scrum teams? Studying collaboration issues at a numbe of large IT service providers revealed six blocking issues. Alleviating these issues will likely result in reduced time to market of new features.